When we
moved last summer, my commute time home tripled. All of a sudden I was one of “those
people”. Commuters. People who are stuck in their cars for an hour or more,
desperate to find ways to pass the time. I am no longer surprised that people
eat, put on make-up, or chat on cell phones while driving. When you’re crawling
along at fifteen miles per hour, the temptation to do other things is almost irresistible.
about three days I lost all interest in the radio. Other than tuning in “on the
4’s” to catch the traffic updates, I realized that the rest of the news updates
were just recycled over and over again. Music stations had too many commercials
and I don’t have satellite radio.
friends recommended books on tape. Or, in this day and age, books on CD. I
tried it a few times. The problem is, when I read, I get lost in the book.
Seriously. My kids joke that if the house was on fire and I was in the middle
of a book, someone would have to drag me out because I would be blissfully
unaware that flames were licking at my toes. When I listen to a book in the
car, the same thing happens. I find myself immersed in the story, and I reach
my destination without any clear memory of my journey. I have a feeling that
level of distraction is probably not great when I’m navigating a 3000 pound
my son suggested podcasts. Fantastic idea. Once I figured out how to download
them and sync them to my IPod, I was in heaven. I have downloaded everything
from every NPR show I could find, to Dave Ramsey and his financial advice, to
gardening gurus, foreign language lessons, and snippets from the Ellen DeGeneres
I’m still
not thrilled with the commute. But until I figure out to teleport myself the twenty
miles between work and home, at least I have some company for the ride. And
maybe I can become rich, grow vegetables, impress my friends with my
intellectual knowledge, and have a few laughs, all without leaving the comfort of
my Honda CRV.